What You're Doing Tonight: Dec. 28

B.B. KING AT CLUB NOKIA: Blues guitarists? If they're playing today -- or if they started out in the last several decades -- they gain inspiration from this man, who never takes the stage without his beloved guitar, Lucille. He's strummed with musicians from Bono to John Mayer, but we like best when the 83-year-old legend rules the stage. Sunday, December 28, 7PM. $60-$75. 800 W. Olympic, Los Angeles.

TWO BY MICHAEL CRICHTON: In honor of the best-selling author, who just passed away last month, the New Beverly is running two films that came from his huge imagination. "Jurassic Park" and "The Andromeda Strain" -- a very scary book about one whopper of a virus -- make for one thrilling, run-from-the-T-Rex kind of evening. December 28-30, $7. New Beverly Cinema, 7165 W. Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles. 323-938-4038

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