San Jose

Coyote Bites 6-Year-Old Boy at South San Jose Golf Course

The coyote was later shot and killed, a wildlife official said

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A coyote bit a 6-year-old boy at a golf course in South San Jose last weekend, a wildlife official said Friday.

The attack happened at about 10:40 a.m. Sunday at Cinnabar Hills Golf Club, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Capt. Patrick Foy said.

The boy was taken to the hospital to be treated, Foy said. His condition wasn't immediately known.

Wildlife officials were able to get a sample of the coyote's DNA from the boy's clothing and his father's golf glove, Foy said.

On Thursday, agents from the United States Department of Agriculture shot and killed a coyote at the golf course. The animal was taken to a facility in Sacramento where officials confirmed it was the same coyote that bit the boy.

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