Santa Monica

Santa Monica Announces Plans to Reopen Playgrounds After County Gives Clearance

Muscle Beach and outdoor park exercise equipment will remain closed.

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With county health officials clearing the way for outdoor playgrounds to reopen, Santa Monica announced Wednesday that 12 of the city's play areas will reopen Friday.

The county's coronavirus health order cleared the way for outdoor playgrounds to reopen at the discretion of individual cities. Santa Monica officials said since the announcement was made, city crews have been inspecting playground equipment, washing the grounds and replacing equipment as needed, as well has installing signs outlining health restrictions for visitors.

The parks opening Friday will be:
-- Airport Park Playground;
-- Clover Park Playgrounds;
-- Douglas Park Playground;
-- Gandara Park Playground;
-- Joslyn Park Playground;
-- Marine Park Playground;
-- Memorial Park Playground;
-- North Beach Playground (slide closed);
-- Reed Park Playground;
-- South Beach Universally Accessible Playground;
-- Tongva Park Playground; and
-- Virginia Avenue Park Playground.

City officials said parks that do not have nearby restrooms or need additional maintenance will remain closed. Those are:
-- Annenberg Community Beach House Playground;
-- Euclid Park Playground;
-- Ishihara Park Playground;
-- Ocean Park Beach Playground; and
-- Ozone Park Playground.

Muscle Beach and outdoor park exercise equipment will remain closed.

The county's health order requires playground visitors over age 2 to wear masks, and all children must have adult supervision. Visitors should also maintain their distance from others, and wash their hands before and after using the equipment.

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