Track COVID-19 Vaccinations in LA With These Interactive Tools

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As COVID vaccines are being administered at higher rates, and tier restrictions begin to ease, many LA residents might be wondering just how many residents in their neighborhoods have been inoculated.

Use the tools below for a snapshot of vaccinations in Southern California.


Click on a city on the map below to see how many vaccines have been administered.

Search Tool

Use the interactive tool below to see how many residents in Los Angeles County cities have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Use the interactive tool below to see how many vaccine doses have been administered in your area. You can then compare your county to others across the state.

California COVID-19 Vaccinations

The map tracks the number of doses administered by a recipient's county of residence according to the The California Department of Public Health.

Source: The statewide totals for doses administered reflect Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. Otherwise we used data from the California Department of Public Health.
Amy Oโ€™Kruk/NBC

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