Ask Nurse Alice Your Health Question

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Nurse Alice Benjamin

Alice Benjamin, APRN, MSN, ACNS-BC, FNP-C

Do you have a health or medical question? If so, we'd like to invite you to Ask Nurse Alice.

NBC 4 medical expert, Nurse Alice wants to answer your questions. She will be answering viewer questions weekly.

Submit your questions using the form below.

Alice Benjamin is a board-certified Clinical Nurse Specialist and Family Nurse Practitioner.

She has over 25-plus years nursing experience specializing in cardiovascular health, critical care, and emergency medicine. She has worked at some of the world's most prestigious academic tertiary centers as well as some of the most underserved community hospitals taking care of some of the sickest patients on the planet.

Right out of high school she became a nursing assistant, then went on to complete a LPN vocational program and soon after an associate’s degree in Nursing. She later graduated with honors from San Diego State University with a dual major in Nursing and Psychology. Shortly after she obtained a Master’s Degree in Nursing Education/Clinical Nurse Specialist and Post- Masters as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

She is a medical contributor on NBC4 and passionate community health advocate who loves to talk to people before they become patients

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