
Men Rob Hesperia Home, Tie People Up Inside: Sheriff

An investigation was underway Wednesday morning after several men tied people up while robbing a home in Hesperia, sheriff's officials said.

Deputies responded to a home in the 15300 block of Sycamore Street in Hesperia around 3:40 a.m. A caller told authorities up to four men had broken into the home, tied people up inside and left with property and their car, according to sheriff's officials.

The conditions of the victims were unknown.

Information about the stolen car was "immediately broadcast … to all surrounding law enforcement agencies," a statement from the San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department's Hesperia Station read.

Just after 5 a.m., California Highway Patrol officers found the car "parked in front of a residence" in the West Covina area. Several men who were near the car ran away when officers approached them, the statement read.

One man was detained, but the investigation was ongoing Wednesday morning.

Anyone with information was encouraged to call the Hesperia Station, Detective Division at 760-947-1500.

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