The Los Angeles City Council Tuesday will consider an ordinance adding a monetary civil penalty for anyone caught misusing a disabled parking placard.
The City Council adopted a resolution in 2013 prohibiting the use of a disabled parking placard or special license plate that -- according to DMV records -- had been lost, stolen, surrendered, canceled, revoked or expired, or was issued to a person who has been deceased for more than 60 days. The resolution also prohibited the use of a disabled placard or special license plate when not transporting the individual to whom the placard or license plate was issued.
However, the resolution did not provide for a monetary penalty for violating thee prohibitions. The new ordinance would impose a monetary penalty of $1,100 on an individual who misuses a disabled parking placard or special license plate. State law also imposes an additional 10 percent of the penalty, which is deposited with the city.