
Calif. Attorney General Says State Will Stand Up to Trump Administration on Marijuana

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra talks about the big issues facing the state, including pot enforcement, California’s sanctuary status, offshore drilling and port pollution.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has asked to meet with the four U.S. Attorneys who prosecute federal law in the state to gauge whether or not they plan on enforcing federal marijuana laws.

"I've reached out to all four to sit down with them... because we'd like to know how each of the four will intend to move forward with this new policy from US DOJ."

Becerra was referring to a memo released last week from US Attorney General Jeff Sessions indicating his office would "enforce the law" when it comes to marijuana. Sessions rescinded an Obama-era policy of not enforcing federal marijuana laws in states where voters had made it legal to consume, either for medical or recreational use.

California's chief law enforcement officer says the state would take legal action if needed to protect the will of the voters following passage of a 2016 ballot measure legalizing marijuana.

"I would encourage everyone in the state of California including the 400 people who have now gotten a license and registered to partake in our new industry to do it the right way... We are moving forward."

Becerra made the comments on NBC4 Sunday morning.

The state has filed several dozen lawsuits against the Trump administration over various regulatory disputes, marijuana being just one that reignited last week.

Becerra said that opening up of federal land offshore for oil drilling is a "non-starter" and was dismissive of a condemnation over California's new "sanctuary state" law by the acting head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

ICE Director Thomas Homan said the state was going to see "a lot more" customs and border patrol officers. "If the politicians don't want to protect their communities then ICE will," he told Fox News.

"We can't stop the federal government from doing what the constitution gives them the right to do," Becerra said on the program. "We believe it is better to unite families rather than separate them."

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