Hollywood Police Pursuit Ends in Violent Crash

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A chase came to a crashing end in Hollywood and sent an innocent driver spinning and his dog flying.

Three vehicles were involved in a crash at the end of a pursuit on the streets of Hollywood Monday, with bystanders capturing the conclusion of the pursuit on video.

The chase ended near the intersection of Vine Street and De Longpre Street, near the doorsteps of a restaurant. Diners hear the collision and recorded the takedown of the suspected reckless driver in a possibly stolen Dodge Charger.

Genevieve Lake, a witness, says, "There was a body on the ground. Thought he was dead. It was the guy surrendering! Cops yelling, 'Get on the ground!'"

Lake added, "I never saw that before. First time! I'm scared."

The runaway sports car slammed into a northbound van, and the incident was described by the innocent van driver.

"He sent my entire big van from the outer lane to the inside lane," Kristopher Roe says. "My dog, little French bulldog, went flying."

Roe's van filled with smoke, and the driver and his dog had to escape out of the vehicle's window.

Traffic was disrupted for hours as the Los Angeles Police Department took statements and gathered evidence. Miraculously, no one was seriously injured or killed.

"I love watching high speed pursuits on TV, but I don't want to be part of one," Roe said.

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