Woodland Hills

A Bunny Café is Coming Soon to the LA Area

The Bunny Café will open in Woodlands Hills for a limited time. 

Young gray-and-white rabbit sitting on table eating grass

Young gray-and-white rabbit sitting on table eating grass

Los Angeles is getting its first ever Bunny Café, coming to Woodland Hills for a limited time.

The café is not like any normal coffee shop. The Bunny Café is a place where customers can go enjoy a nice cup of coffee, food and treats all while hanging out with cute furry bunnies. 

That’s right, real rabbits will be at this café for customers to hang out with while they enjoy their drinks and food. The café will be open beginning March 25 and be open until April 29.

To attend this event everyone must be five-years-old or over. Customers cannot walk into this café without a reservation. They will need to purchase a ticket through the Bunny Café website.

There are two types of tickets, one-hour or two-hour sessions that customers can choose from. A one-hour ticket costs $25 and a two-hour ticket costs $44. Both tickets include free pictures, bunny food, a Bunny Café keychain, stickers and more. 

This event is being organized by JoyGrab, a company that focuses on creating unique and interactive experiences across America. Their purpose is to create events in different cities that people will see and be intrigued to attend. 


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As of right now the upcoming events in Los Angeles are The Bunny Café, Sweetsia - A 7 Course Desert Experience and The Zoo Cafe

According to their website, the purpose of the Bunny Café is to offer customers a unique way to relax. The café promotes a relaxing and peaceful environment so both, their customers and furry bunny friends, can enjoy. 

But the Bunny Café wants to be more than just a nice cuddly hangout spot. They want to bring awareness to rabbit adoption and the importance of knowing how to properly take care of them.

At the event customers can expect to learn more about rabbit adoption; how to adopt, the requirements and more. They may also learn about the proper ways of taking care of a rabbit and how they can help bring awareness to rabbit adoption so rabbits can find their forever home. 

The Bunny Café suggests customers wear comfortable clothes and shoes to the event just in case things get messy. Rabbits do shed, so they encourage customers to bring a lint roller just in case they run out.

The Bunny Café is located at 22030 Ventura Blvd. For more information, check out their website

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