Airbnb Removes Listings of 28 ‘Nuisance' Properties in Hollywood Hills

For the 28 listings identified by Airbnb, all upcoming reservations have been canceled, the company said.

NBCUniversal, Inc. Airbnb has taken several of the homes that LAPD identified as being used to throw parties off of their website, one resident said. Darsha Philips reports for the NBC4 News at 11 p.m. Monday, Jan. 6, 2020.

Airbnb Monday announced that it is removing 28 properties from listings in the Hollywood Hills identified by the Los Angeles Police Department as creating a substantial neighborhood nuisance.

"LAPD provided Airbnb with information pertaining to 'chronic party houses,' some of which have generated citations and cease-and-desist orders,'' Airbnb said in a statement.

For the 28 listings identified by Airbnb, all upcoming reservations have been canceled, the company said.

Some of the properties have been removed from Airbnb based on the severity of the issues identified and shared by LAPD, while others will be subject to lengthy suspensions, and the property owners will need to certify that they're in good standing with the city of Los Angeles by submitting documentation to Airbnb in order to be considered for reinstatement.

"LAPD Hollywood Division appreciates Airbnb's outstanding cooperation in delisting nuisance party locations,'' LAPD Capt. Steven Lurie of the Hollywood Division said in a statement. "We continue to work with all short-term rental platforms to allow them to provide their valuable service while maintaining the character of our neighborhoods.''

The Los Angeles Police Department and Airbnb are teaming up to crack down on party houses, with 28 listings removed from the site. Kim Tobin reported on NBC4 News at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 6, 2020.

Airbnb recently made a series of announcements to build trust on the platform, including a dedicated neighbor support line, a dedicated line for city officials, a ban on "party houses,'' updated guest standards, and increased manual review of high-risk reservations to help stop unauthorized parties before they happen.

"We are grateful to the LAPD for their partnership in helping us identify listings that do not reflect the overwhelming majority of Los Angeles Airbnb hosts who share their homes responsibly,'' said John Choi, public policy manager for Airbnb in Los Angeles.

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