Angry City Workers Give Council an Earful

City wants to cut 4000 jobs

What’s at stake if Los Angeles goes ahead with plans to lay off 4000 city workers? If you ask the workers whose jobs may be on the line, the answer is a whole lot.

A number of city workers had the chance on Wednesday to go before the City Council and tell members what services will be hurt with the loss of jobs.  
One city worker told City Council members to take a close look at themselves in the effort to save money of the city.
“County Supervisors have four supervisors, okay? I have an idea. Maybe we reduce the number of the City Council,” said the city worker who received a loud round of applause from the audience in the Council chambers.

The city is looking to eliminate jobs to save about $300 million.   The workers who appeared before Council members said many city services will suffer with the job cuts. They say if they're not on the job, many services will suffer.

“I really would like you to consider where you’re going with your decisions,” said Brita Gorman who works for L.A. Animal Services, East Valley.   "You're asking for trouble, I think, from the public.   We're tough, and you need us to do our jobs."

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is trying to balance the budget by July 1 and to close a $484 million gap in next year's budget.
Eliminating 4,000 positions does not necessarily mean 4,000 workers will be put out on the street. City administrators have said some may lose their current positions but be transferred to other departments, offices and programs that do not draw salaries from the depleted general fund.

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