A bicyclist was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver at a Beverly Grove intersection. Toni Guinyard reports for the NBC4 News at 11 a.m. on Wednesday June 21, 2016.
Police were searching for a hit-and-run driver Wednesday after a bicyclist was struck by two vehicles and killed in Beverly Grove.
The collisions were reported around 9 p.m. Tuesday in the 100 block of N. Crescent Heights Boulevard, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The bicyclist, who was thrown about 75 feet due to the impact, was traveling on First Street when he was struck by the vehicle at the intersection with Crescent Heights Boulevard.
"Had he stopped at the scene, officers probably would have responded and spoke to the driver and, possibly, even have released him from the scene," said Olin Osborne, an investigator with the Los Angeles Police Department West Traffic Division. "But because she left the scene, that's considered a felony hit and run."
Police said the hit-and-run driver, identified only as a woman, struck the bicyclist, a 58-year-old man, and fled before another driver struck the victim. The second driver stopped and will not face any charges, police said.
The hit-and-run driver struck another vehicle about a block away from the fatal crash, police said. Police said the driver abandoned a red Ford SUV after the second crash.
A detailed description of the driver was not immediately available.
Joe Studley contributed to this report.