
Bonded senior dogs need a home after owner's tragic death in car crash

Sally and Pumpkin are available for adoption at the Pasadena Humane Society.

NBC Universal, Inc.

Two senior dogs whose owner was tragically killed in a car crash are in need of a new home. 

Pumpkin and Sally are 10-year-old German shepherd mixes available for adoption at the Pasadena Humane Society. Their owner died in a crash two months ago, leaving the bonded pair without a home. 

“We really want to place them in a home together they are very bonded,” said Keven McManus, of the Pasadena Humane Society. 

McManus said the two dogs are never more than a few feet away from each other at the kennel and shelter. They’re currently living with a foster family.

“Pumpkin kind of leads Sally around, and Sally really relies on Pumpkin,” said McManus. “The’re really just sweet.”

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month. While many shelter visitors might be looking for puppies, McManus said there are several reasons to consider adopting a senior dog. 

“It’s really strange to me that a dog that is going to be calm and house trained and not destructive, that is really a plug-and-play dog, if people really open their minds and their hearts to getting a senior, I think they will be pleasantly surprised,” McManus said. 

McManus said a typical day for Sally and Pumpkin includes hanging out and relaxing. 

“We would love for them to be in a forever home for the holiday,” McManus said. “I think It would be special for them and warm all of our hearts for sure.”

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