Bryan Stow Progress “Magical”

In a posting entitled "Magical," Bryan Stow's family members said the Giants fan continues to show amazing progress.

Timeline: Bryan Stow Case

Last week, they announced that he made the significant turn from simple facial responses to speaking.

On Monday, the family said he's now speaking in complete sentences in videos to his children and engaging in conversations with visitors.

Stow was attacked outside Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on Opening Day and suffered significant brain damage. LAPD has since arrested two suspects

In their blog, Stow's family members said in the past week has been filled with progress. Stow now has physical and occupational therapy five times a week and that he can sit on the side of his bed and in a chair next to his bed.

They seemed to get the most pleasure writing about being able to take Stow outside in the sun. That happened for the very first time last Friday.

"We got the OK to take Bryan outside for the first time in almost six months. He was moved to a cardiac chair and we went out to a secluded patio. Bonnie asked Bryan how it felt to be outside. Bryan, sitting in the sun, with his eyes closed said, 'It's magical.'"

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