Milk, Lucas, Burnett Named to California Hall of Fame

Slain gay rights activist Harvey Milk, "Star Wars" creator George Lucas and feisty football commentator John Madden will be among the newest inductees to the California Hall of Fame.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver unveiled the list of 2009 inductees on Tuesday. They said the latest 13 "embody California's innovative spirit and have made their mark on history."

The nominees will be inducted in a Dec. 1 ceremony at the California Museum in Sacramento.

Inductees of the California Hall of Fame 2009

  • Carol Burnett
  • Andrew Grove
  • Hiram Johnson
  • Rafer Johnson
  • Henry J. Kaiser
  • Joan Kroc
  • George Lucas
  • John Madden
  • Harvey Milk
  • Fritz Scholder
  • Danielle Steel
  • Joe Weider
  • General Chuck Yeager
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