Orange County

‘I have a lot to celebrate:' Cancer-stricken firefighter walks into last chemo in Orange County

Battalion Chief Brandon Willson was cheered on by his colleagues before his last chemotherapy appointment.

NBC Universal, Inc.

Firefighters from Orange and Riverside Counties cheered on their battalion chief as he walked into his last chemotherapy.

Brandon Willson, 42, was met with cheers, hugs and pats on the back as he walked into City of Hope Cancer Treatment Center in Orange County on Thursday Morning, with his community standing in solidarity with him during his final push in his cancer journey.

“This is just an example of, from the very beginning, feeling the love from the fire department and my entire community,” Willson said. “It’s been a tough road, but this has been super helpful.”

According to his physician Tanya Siddiqi, Wilson was being treated for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and was already in remission as he walked into his last round of chemotherapy.

As Willson walked into his appointment, the walkway was lined with over 50 of his colleagues and decorated with fire department-themed balloons in red and gold. His wife and two children walked with him.

“It’s an amazing thing to have people take your hand during a journey like cancer,” City of Hope Orange County President Annette Walker said, pointing to the line of firefighters waiting to receive Willson.

Dr. Siddiqi stated that Willson will be ready to return to work within the next month.

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