Champion Wiener Dog Dies

Baron was a wiener dog -- and a champion. Earlier this week Baron died, in the arms of his owner Ron Rowland.
The 35-pound dachshund was bred as a show dog, but was built to run. Baron raced 24 times in his career. How many times did he win? Twenty-four.

Impressive for any type of competitor.
Dachshunds are distinct -- even funny looking little dogs -- with their long bodies and little tiny legs. Their unusual features have resulted in their being called "wiener dogs."

Baron's career started on a whim. Rowland took him to Champions Park in Placentia -- and set him 25 yards from his wife. Then Rowland simply said, "On your mark. Get set. Go," and Baron sped away -- running faster than the dog that had just won another race.
Rowland would take Baron to train on multiple surfaces -- so he would be prepared for whatever terrain he had to race on. But Rowland believes racing was instinctive for the little dog. Barron stopped racing in 2000, but had already developed quite a following. The mahogany haired canine was a guest on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and marched in several local parades, and was even dogged by the paparazzi.
Rowland says that it after 17 years with Baron, it will be hard to imagine life without him.

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