Cirque du Soleil Show Features the King of Pop

"Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour" is a show by Cirque du Soleil that combines music from the King of Pop with Cirque du Soleil's signature acrobatic performance style.

More than 60 dancers, musicians and acrobats paid tribute to Michael Jackson with a Cirque du Soleil twist in the Immortal World Tour at Staples Center Tuesday Night.

"Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour" is a show by Cirque du Soleil that combines music from the King of Pop with Cirque du Soleil's signature acrobatic performance style.

"We're big Michael Jackson fans," said Dr. Christine Wilson. "We've got the kids out tonight."

The legacy of the King of Pop, who died in 2009, was passed down generations Tuesday night.

"My mom brought me to my first Michael Jackson concert, and now I'm bringing my daughter. She's still small, but she likes him a lot," said Tanya Argueta, a Michael Jackson fan.

Parents say they grew up with the King of Pop's music, and are now introducing it to their children.

"These are people who have literally grown up, generation after generation, so it makes sense it would be a family affair," Wilson said.


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There is another show at Staples Wednesday night.

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