Dane's Family Returns to San Diego

The family of Dane Williams is returning to San Diego Saturday after what they call a year of dead ends.

The 23-year old initially disappeared last January while working for Hurley International at a San Diego convention.

Saturday, the family plans to hand out flyers in San Diego and near a library by E. Street and 8th Street, where they believe Williams may have been killed.

"We don't know the cause of death. We don't know why he died, how he died," said his mother Valen Williams. "It's been a nightmare for us."

ASR Returns, Remembers Williams

Williams was last seen leaving the Hard Rock hotel in the Gaslamp district on Jan. 26, 2008. Surveillance tape captured him leaving about 2 a.m. and walking towards his hotel nine blocks away. Three days later, his body was found wrapped in a blanket in a graffiti covered alley about 6 miles away.

"There's somebody who knows something. Maybe they heard someone talking," said his father Jim Williams. "That's who we're reaching out to right now."

Toxicology reports show the Huntington Beach man had been drinking and had trace amount of Valium in his system. San Diego police Lt. Kevin Rooney says neither would be enough to cause his death, which remains inconclusive.


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Detectives say that is one option they are exploring.

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