Biden Administration

Emanuel, Garcetti, Burns Offered Ambassadorships: Sources

Biden is expected to announce the picks in the coming weeks

AP Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and former Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns.

President Joe Biden has decided on his picks for key ambassadors to China, Japan and India and expects to announce them in the coming weeks as he prepares for his first overseas trip next month, three administration officials tell NBC News.

Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been offered the role of U.S. ambassador to Japan. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has been offered the ambassadorship in India, according to the officials. Garcetti, a Democrat, has been mayor since 2013.

And former Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns has been offered the job as Biden’s envoy to China. Burns, a longtime U.S. diplomat, has served under presidents of both parties, and was previously U.S. ambassador to NATO and to Greece, as well as serving as State Department spokesman.

For more on this story, go to NBC News.

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