
Girl Scouts Introduces 24 New Badges to Encourage Girls in STEM, Entrepreneurship and Civics

The new badges are intended to empower girls in fields where women are often underrepresented.

A girl looks through a microscope
Girls Scouts’ newest badges are aimed at encouraging girls in STEM, entrepreneurship and civics.

Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast and Girl Scouts of the USA Tuesday announced the introduction of 24 new badges with a focus on encouraging girls to explore male-dominated fields.

The new badges include Entrepreneurship (grades K-12), STEM Career Exploration (grades 2-8), Automotive Engineering (grades K-5) and Civics (grades K-12).

GSUSA reported that the curriculum undertaken by girls pursuing an Entrepreneurship badge will include creating and pitching products and business plans, while the Automotive Engineering badge will entail designing vehicles and creating an assembly line and manufacturing process.

Activities completed for the Civics badge will include learning about local, state, and federal government functions, and researching topics such as law, voting and the representation of women in government. The STEM Career Exploration badge will encourage girls to explore male-dominated fields like computer science, environmental science, engineering and more.

GSUSA CEO Sylvia Acevedo explained the crucialness of encouraging girls and young women to develop leadership skills.

“Now more than ever, it’s critical that we have strong leaders who can make informed decisions that make the world a better, safer place. During our current health crisis, the world leaders who have been among the most decisive and effective in addressing the pandemic have been women," she said.

“With these new badge experiences in STEM, entrepreneurship, and the critically important subject of civics, Girl Scouts is continuing to build the transformational female leaders of today and the future and showing girls the power they have to truly change the world," she said.


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