Happy Birthday, Betty Ford

Former first lady Betty Ford celebrates her 91st birthday Wednesday with family members at her home in Rancho Mirage.
Ford, who has been honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal, served as chair of the Betty Ford Center until she was 88.

Ford has not granted interviews since the December 2006 death of her husband, former President Gerald R. Ford.

Susan Ford Bales, who took over as the center's chair, was at home with her mother Wednesday for the celebration, said Russ Patrick, a spokesman for the center.

Patrick said there was a board meeting at the center Tuesday and Ford Bales was able to stay in town to be with her mother, who is in good health.

"She's still very much following the Betty Ford Center and what is happening," Patrick said.
The Betty Ford Center, which is located in Rancho Mirage, offers services to men and women who are dependent on drugs and alcohol.

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