A man was shot and another beaten unconscious at an “I Love College: College Athletes Edition" party at the Proud Bird restaurant near Los Angeles International Airport, police said Saturday.
Los Angeles police Sgt. Richard Parks of the Pacific station said a man was shot in the abdomen.
Paramedics rushed him to UCLA Medical Center where was listed in serious, but stable condition.
“His gunshot wound doesn't appear to be life threatening," Parks said.
Another man, who was intoxicated, was beaten unconscious after he began insulting other partygoers, police said.
He sustained several upper-body injuries and is in stable condition after being transported to an area hospital, said Parks.
The two incidents were not related, but began almost simultaneously around 11:15 p.m. Friday, said Parks.
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No arrests were made in either case and the cause of the shooting was not known. Police are still searching for suspects.
More than 1,000 people attended the 18-and-over "I Love College: Athletes Party Edition'' hosted by Los Angeles-based athletes near Aviation Boulevard and West 111th Street.
On a video advertising the event, promoters described the party as “The Illest Event of the Summer,” and stating that “The city will be shut down.”
Flyers for the event listed the names of some Southern California athletes from USC, UCLA, and other schools, but it is not immediately known if they were in attendance Friday night.