Tag us (use @NBCLA or #NBCLA) in a photo of you and your partner and tell us how you met. Be sure to include your names and how long you two have been together.
You can also email us and share how you were struck by Cupid at isee@nbcla.com. And be sure to watch Today in LA from 4 to 7 a.m., where we'll be featuring some of your love stories.
Here are some of the love stories we have received so far:
10 photos
Steve Risley
“Thirty-five years ago I did the one thing I said I’d never do: Marry a drunk girl at a bar. I guess it worked. I actually proposed on Valentine’s Day. That June, we flew to Hawaii and got married on Kaanapali beach and we are still going strong,” Steve Risley told NBCLA.
Trent Hodson
After two friends urged them to meet, Trent Hodson and Chance Kawar agreed to meet for a blind coffee date in Larchmont Village over a year ago. “More than a year later, we are still visiting local coffee shops every weekend and happily exploring LA together,” Trent Hodson wrote to NBCLA.
Delilah Castro
Delia Castro met her husband Emmanuel Castro in high school but since she was not allowed to date at the time, she broke up with him. After reconnecting a year after their high school graduation, they have been together ever since. “We kept in touch and started talking almost everyday until we decided to give it a shot again. Now, we are here happily married and we have our sweet 5-year-old boy that looks just like daddy and has the curiosity like his mamma,” Delia Castro told NBCLA.
Steven Jacobsen
Steven Jacobsen met his now husband of six years on an early social media site called Prodigy in 1993. The couple purchased their first home together the day of the Northridge earthquake in 1994. They married in a ceremony at their home in 2014. “We were and are lucky our families fully embraced and support our relationship. Many of our gay friends have not had that advantage. So here we are in 2020, 27 years later and six years married as of this Friday Feb. 14 and still in love,” Steven Jacobsen wrote to NBCLA.
Lisa Pisciotta
"I met my sweetheart at a baseball game. I was watching my son and he brought his daughter to watch her boyfriend. I was smitten by him. We are now happily married," Lisa Pisciotta shared with NBCLA.
Tara Hale
Tara Hale met her now husband of seven years at a karaoke bar when he sang the charming classic, “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-a-Lot. The couple wed in 2012 and have two children and a dog together. Tara and Josh Hale have been together for almost 13 years.
April Byrd
Robert and April Byrd met through mutual friends at a party and then again with friends at a bowling alley. “We started talking from then. We have been together for 23 years and married for 16 years this May. We have 12-year-old twin daughters,” April Byrd shared with NBCLA.
Nadine Rivera
“In 1986 I met the love of my life,” Nadine Rivera wrote to NBCLA.
Francesca Carroll
“I met my honey Chris over 6 years ago,” Francesca Carroll wrote to NBCLA. “When I was walking with my two daughters into Walmart and my honey was walking out of there with his daughter, our daughters seen each other and was so excited … After that we did pretty much everything together with our kids. We now have 5 beautiful kids.”
June Salazar
“We have been together for almost 12 years and been married for almost 2,” June Salazar wrote to NBCLA. “This is our last Valentines day as a couple because in less than 2 weeks we will become a family of 3. We are expecting our rainbow baby and we are so excited. We met working at Target together but never spoke until years later. One day he decided to message me on MySpace and that is where it all started. So excited to start our next chapter with our baby boy!!”