Karen Bass

Karen Bass Opens Online Portal for Jobs in Her Administration

The portal is open to candidates from Los Angeles and across the country.

Erin Scott/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Representative Karen Bass, a Democrat from California and chair of the Democratic Black Caucus, speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, July 1, 2020.

Los Angeles Mayor-elect Karen Bass launched an online hiring portal Saturday for people interested in serving in her new administration.

The portal is open to candidates from Los Angeles and across the country.

“Dear Angelenos, If you have the skills, determination, experience and commitment our city needs to house people immediately and increase safety and opportunity in every neighborhood, then we need you!'' Bass wrote on the site. "Only a team effort will move Los Angeles in a new direction and bring urgent solutions to the crisis we face. As Mayor-elect, I am excited to invite you to be part of this. "

“Whether as a full-time employee or volunteer serving on one of 49 City Commissions, we are seeking problem solvers with a true passion for public service. If you are ready to serve Los Angeles, uphold the highest ethical standards and work hard, please use this portal to apply. We expect many more submissions than positions available, but rest assured that all submissions through this portal will be fully considered.”

The portal can be accessed at https://jobs.lamayor.org.

Bass, who defeated developer Rick Caruso in the Nov. 8 election with 54.83% of the vote, will take office on Dec. 12. 

She's already named Chris Thompson, LA28 official and former chief of staff to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, as her chief of staff. 

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