Los Angeles

LA Animal Services Provides Free Pet Food for Low-Income Families

LA Animal Services held its second bi-monthly Pet Food Pantry on Monday, June 22.

LA Animal Services/Shutterstock

LA Animal Services hosted its second community Pet Food Pantry of the month on Monday to provide free pet food for low-income families and residents in LA. The bi-monthly pantry is held every second and fourth Monday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at two locations, Chesterfield Square in South LA and the East Valley Animal Services Center in Van Nuys.

“A lot of people have been extremely thankful that we’ve been providing the service,” Justin Khosrowabadi of LAAS said.

LAAS operates six shelters in the city of LA. It serves around 60,000 animals and responds to 20,000 emergency calls each year, making it one of the United States’ largest municipal shelter systems, according to its website.

Pet owners can register online or call to schedule a pick-up appointment. The pet’s name, sex and animal license number are required. The pantry provides one pound of dog or cat food per pet. Up to three pets can be registered per household.

“It’s made a huge difference in a lot of families’ lives right now,”  Khosrowabadi added. “For some of them, they’ve had to budget considerably different since the COVID-19 pandemic and this has helped a lot with finances for them in helping them treat their pets.”

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