Los Angeles County District Attorney

LA Mayor Garcetti Switches Sides, Endorses George Gascon for DA

On Sunday evening, the mayor tweeted, "I'm proud to endorse @GeorgeGascon for L.A. District Attorney."

George Gascon (left) and incumbent Jackie Lacey (right).
Getty Images

Mayor Eric Garcetti switched his endorsement in the Los Angeles County district attorney's race Sunday from incumbent Jackie Lacey to challenger George Gascon.

On Sunday evening, the mayor tweeted, "I'm proud to endorse @GeorgeGascon for L.A. District Attorney."

In the wake of nationwide protests calling for criminal justice reforms after the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, many officeholders have walked back their endorsements of Lacey, who is seeking a third term.

Gascon served as D.A. for San Francisco for eight years and has worked in the Los Angeles Police Department. He has received endorsements from national leaders such as U.S. Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Lacey dismissed Garcetti's endorsement, "as an attempt by Gascon to distract from his performance in a Saturday night debate, which she termed a `disaster,"' according to the Los Angeles Times.

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