A total eclipse is coming next month. Here's how and when to watch

The solar event is set to happen on April 8 during the morning hours in Southern California.

Photo Credit NASA

Photo Credit NASA

Prepare your eyes for the 2024 total solar eclipse as it will appear over Mexico, the United States, and small parts of Eastern Canada.

According to NASA, a total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun and the sky darkens as if it were dawn or dusk.

With weather permitting, sky-watchers in 15 states will have the chance to see the moon almost completely cover the sun, casting its shadow over the fiery orb and creating the effect of a ring in the sky.

When to watch the eclipse

Southern California will get a partial eclipse, visible approximately between 10 a.m. and 11:50 a.m.

Specifically in the Los Angeles area, the eclipse can be seen between 10:06 a.m. and 11:49 a.m., with a maximum sun coverage of 48.6%. NASA has a web page, on which users can enter their zip code to identify the specific time frame for the phenomenon.

NASA's Eclipse Explore shows the April solar eclipse will pass through the Los Angeles area during the late morning hours on April 8.

How to safely watch the eclipse

People should never gaze directly at the sun during a solar eclipse even when it is partly or mostly covered by the moon. Special eclipse glasses or homemade projectors are required to view solar eclipses safely.

Ensure not to view any part of the sun through binoculars, telescopes or camera lenses without specific solar filters attached. Eclipse glasses should not be used with this equipment. According to NASA, failing to take the proper precautions will result in severe eye damage. 

The April 8 eclipse will be the last total solar eclipse visible from the United States until 2044.

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