
Metro micro fares set at $2.50 per ride, discounts available for some riders

Participants in the GoPass program, students enrolled in participating K-12 schools and community colleges within the LA Metro service area, will still be able to use the service for $1.


Metro has implemented a permanent fare change, raising the price from $1 to $2.50 per ride, for its Metro Micro Pilot Program, an on-demand rideshare service, transit officials announced Wednesday. 

The fare increase kicked in Sunday, but the agency also added program discounts to help low-income individuals, seniors, people with disabilities and students. Agency officials said the fare increase makes the program more financially sustainable.

Metro's Board of Directors approved the change last month. Metro Micro provides transportation in areas that are "hard to serve" with conventional bus services, according to the agency.

The program offers improved first/last mile connections, and it is aimed at addressing disparities in access to affordable transportation options in communities of color and areas with lower median incomes. More than 1.7 million riders have used Metro Micro since it first began in 2020.

Metro Micro provides services to eight zones in L.A. County -- Watts/Compton; LAX/Inglewood; El Monte; North Hollywood/Burbank; Highland Park/Eagle Rock/Glendale; Altadena/Pasadena/Sierra Madre; Northwest San Fernando Valley; and UCLA/Westwood/Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

Participants in the Low-Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) program, which provides reduced fares for low-income L.A. County residents, seniors and people with disabilities, can now use their 20 free rides to take Metro Micro. After 20 free rides, LIFE Program participants pay the permanent base fare of $2.50.

Participants in the GoPass program, students enrolled in participating K-12 schools and community colleges within the LA Metro service area, will still be able to use the service for $1. Seniors and people with disabilities can also ride for $1. 


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Additionally, users of the EZ Transit Pass, which is a monthly pass for local travel on several public transit carriers throughout L.A. County, can ride Metro Micro for 75 cents. EZ Transit Pass Zone 1 or higher riders can ride at no additional charge. Transfers from partner agencies to Metro Micro (interagency transfers) will pay only $1.25 (50 cents transfer fee plus 75 cents).

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