OC Fair Super Passes Go on Sale, Wheeee

Dip into summer fun, fair fans, in the middle of a wintry week.

OC Fair

What to Know

  • Wednesday, Dec. 4
  • $25 (if purchased by Feb. 27)
  • July 17-Aug. 16, 2020, Wednesday through Sunday

Well, it isn't winter yet, officially and all that, but autumn is most definitely wearing its wintry wardrobe as December revs up around Southern California.

For some of us? It's pure, sweater-sweet bliss. Others? We just want extreme sunshine, and corn dogs, and a spin on a Ferris wheel on the balmiest of afternoons.

If you're firmly in the second camp, and you're already dreaming of sandals and shoulder-baring clothing, be chuffed, for the OC Fair Super Pass just went on sale.

And we do mean "sale," for the pass, which gives fans of the Costa Mesa ride-pig-concert-fried-food extravaganza entry over 23 days in 2020, is only $25 through Feb. 27.

Then? It goes up, to $30, from Feb. 28-May 28, then up one final time, to $35 from May 29-Aug. 14.

For sure, tickets to the Pacific Amphitheatre concerts are separate, but if you've got a Super Pass, you'll find discounted concert deals on some of the days of the fair. Also? The deals for Super Pass holders also extend to The Hangar and Action Sports Arena, again on select dates.


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The fair itself opens on July 17, and it all blinks off on Aug. 16.

Open days during that month-big run? Wednesdays through Sundays, which you surely know, if you're a year-in, year-out kind of regular.

Are you already daydreaming of days spent frolicking in summery sunbeams?

Step out of this rainshowers and secure your $25 Super Pass pronto. It's almost like a portal that allows you to slip into the middle of next year, or at least a reminder that winter's blustery ways aren't forever.

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