Decision 2024

Latest on Prop 1: ‘Yes' vote still leading by small margin

A ballot count revealed that "yes" on California Proposition 1 had about 20,000 votes more than "no."

NBC Universal, Inc.

While early ballot counts show California voters appear evenly divided on Prop 1, some experts believe the mental health proposal is likely to pass. NBCLA’s Conan Nolan reports. 

More California voters appear to support California Proposition 1, which seeks to expand the state’s mental health infrastructure on a $6.4 billion bond, as of Wednesday.

With more than 6.5 million ballots counted across the state, “yes” is leading by over 20,000 votes, the Associated Press projects. 

If approved, Prop 1 would authorize the state government to borrow and spend $6.4 billion in bonds to expand the state’s homeless housing and mental health facilities.

The ballot measure was championed by Governor Newsom and supported by a number of Southern California’s elected officials, including Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna.

Opponents, including those from ACLU California and Mental Health America in California, however, argue Prop 1 would be too costly for California taxpayers with the final bill exceeding $12 billion as the state tries to pay off the bond over the next three decades. 

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