Woodland Hills

Resident tied up as 3 men steal a safe during a home invasion robbery in Woodland Hills

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NBC Universal, Inc.

Three men broke into a home in Woodland Hills while the residents were inside, tied up one of the victims and took off with a safe, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. 

Three men broke into a home in Woodland Hills while the residents were inside, tied up one of the victims and took off with a safe, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. 

Officers responded to the 23000 block of Erwin Street at around 11 p.m. on Sunday. 

The robbery happened at around 7 p.m., but the victims did not feel safe enough to call police until several hours later, LAPD said. 

At the time of the robbery, one of the victims was asleep on the first floor of the home. 

He was woken up by two of the robbers and had his arms and legs zip-tied. 

According to LAPD, the victim used to own a coin business and the robbers asked him where the coins were. 

A second victim, a woman, was in the laundry room of the home when she heard the noise and was then confronted by the robbers. 


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Both victims were then locked in the bedroom as they heard the robbers search their home, LAPD said. 

The robbers took a safe from the home, but the victims said they do not recall what was inside. 

The male victim only suffered some minor injuries from being tied up with zip-ties and the female victim was not injured.  

As of Monday morning, no arrests had been made.

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