One of the deputies is out of the hospital, while the other is still recovering. As seen on NBC4 News on Sept. 19. 2020.
The two LA County Sheriff's deputies recovering from gunshot wounds after an attack in Compton while they sat in their patrol vehicle received wishes for a speedy recovery from President Donald Trump this week.
One of the deputies responded to the phone call from the ICU. Because of her injuries, she wrote down what she wanted to say so it could be relayed to the president, the LASD Transit Services Bureau said in a Facebook post.
The other injured deputy has been released from the hospital and is now receiving long-term care, Sheriff Alex Villanueva said.
“A week ago today, a callous and heartless criminal attempted to murder two of the heroes that work hard everyday to keep you safe when ride @metrolosangeles,” the post begins. “This week #potus45 @realdonaldtrump called both of our deputies to check on their spirits, wish them a speedy recovery and remind them that the #american people are behind them and that the coward that harmed them will be brought to #justice!!”
The search for whoever shot the deputies at point-blank range on Sept. 12 continues. Sources tell NBC LA a man taken into custody after a carjacking in Lynwood is linked to the investigation, although Villanueva has not confirmed that information.