Vince Torres, owner of Bulls Eyes Sport in Riverside, says it’s common to see gun sales spike during election years and after mass shootings, like the recent massacre at a Connecticut elementary school that killed 20 children and six adults. Jacob Rascon reports from Riverside for the NBC4 News at 6 p.m. on Dec. 19, 2012.
In the days after the Newtown, Conn., school shooting, gun sales have been surging in the Inland Empire.
"I'm out of everything," said Vince Torres, owner of Bulls Eye Sport in Riverside.
Torres said it's common to see gun sales spike during election years and after mass shootings.
"Every time a politician comes out and says we're going to ban them," Torres said.
President Barack Obama announced on Wednesday he's creating a task force to come up with ways to curb gun violence in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown. Obama set a January deadline for "concrete proposals" from a task force led by Vice President Joe Biden.
But despite the boost in sales this week, Torres fears change down the line could put him out of business.
"I'm worried that, after all this is settled, we might lose our gun rights," he said.
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Torres believes the trend he's seeing at his store is an example of what could happen across the country.
One popular gun, according to Torres, has been the M4 assault rifle, which is similar to the one police said the gunman used in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in which 20 children and six adults were slain.
"They're probably going to be all gone pretty soon," gun owner Daniel Noda speculated. "I'm going to get them before that happens."