Missing Actress Found Safe in LA Hospital

Satara Stratton located in "good condition," say police

An aspiring actress from Tennessee who followed her to dreams to Los Angeles only to end up in trouble for drugs has been found safe after disappearing late last year.

Satara Stratton, 24, was located in "good condition" at a Los Angeles-area hospital, police said Thursday.

Police did not give specifics about the woman's condition, but in a statement back in February, authorities said the woman suffered from "a serious medical condition" and was in need of medical care.

Six years ago, Stratton left Chattanooga, Tenn., for the bright lights of Hollywood, landing a few film roles under the name Satara Silver.

Police Search for Missing Actress

Stratton also had a number of run-ins with police on suspicion of drugs.

"Part of her problem was she was sick to start with," her mother Sharon said. "When she went out there, she became ill."

Sharon, who still lives in Chattanooga, reported her daughter missing in October 2011 after Stratton stopped returning calls and emails.


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