Victims in Wednesday's mass shooting at a Seal Beach beauty salon have been identified by Seal Beach police.
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Among the dead are Randy Lee Fannin, the owner of Salon Meritage, and Michelle Marie Fournier, the ex-wife of the suspected shooter.
Other victims include Victoria Ann Buzzo, Lucia Bernice Kondas, Laura Lee Elody, Michelle Daschbach Fast, and Christy Lynn Wilson.
Elody's mother, Hattie Stretz, is the lone survivor. She was injured in the shooting and is currently in critical condition at Long Beach Memorial Hospital.
Dave Caouette was killed in his car outside the salon.
The mass shooting unfolded at 1:21 p.m. Wednesday, when police say 41-year-old Scott Dekraai (pictured, below) walked into Salon Meritage and began opening fire.

Previous Article: Memorial for Seal Beach Shooting Victims Replaces Crime Scene Tape
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Every seat in the salon, according to witnesses, was filled that day.
The shooting rampage left eight people dead and critically wounded a ninth victim.
Wednesday afternoon outside the salon, visitors created a make-shift memorial and gave first-hand accounts of how the salon’s employees and customers shared a family like relationship.
A relationship they say was fostered by owner Randy Fannin.
“He was devoted to his family,” said friend Jim Watson. “We’d talk about his grandkids, his kids, and his wife.”
“It’s just so senseless,” Mary Stearns said of the loss of her friend. “He was just the greatest guy you’d ever want to know.”
Police arrested Dekraai just a few minutes after the shooting. Witnesses told NBC4 that Dekraai was wearing a protective vest and that police removed weapons from the pickup he was driving.
A vigil is planned for 8 p.m. Thursday.
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