Marina del Rey

Residents on edge as series of suspicious fires plague Marina del Rey condo complex

A resident tried to get the word out while facing a lack of response from local authorities.

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NBC Universal, Inc.

Residents of a condo complex in Marina del Rey are looking for answers after multiple mysterious fires have been ignited in an otherwise quiet building. Gordon Tokumatsu reports for the NBC4 News at 4 p.m. on July 25, 2024.

Residents in Marina del Rey are living in fear after their apartment complex experienced a series of suspected arson attacks. 

Flashing lights and fire engines are now part of the norm at Marina City Club.

"We have a fire like once a week, and this has been going on since May." Teri Hirano, a longtime resident, said.

The condominium's management team has issued warnings to residents via email, stating that “authorities suspect that these fires were intentionally set by one or more individuals who may reside at the Marina City Club.”

The fires, according to the management, involve the use of toilet paper and other combustible materials. 

This pattern has left residents like Hirano wondering, "Are we going to wake up one day and open the door and there's a fire out there?"

“I’m trying to get the word out so we can get some help here before we end up like the California Yacht Club,” she added.


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In December of last year, a devastating fire ripped through the historic California Yacht Club clubhouse, built in 1967. The cause of that fire remains unknown, and two firefighters were injured in the incident.

While management urges her to call 911 before contacting property services, Hirano reported a frustrating lack of coordinated response from local authorities. 

"I've talked to Captain Muldoon over at fire station 110," Hirano said. "He says the sheriff is in charge of arson in LA County. So I called them, and then they sent me to the fire department."

The land on which Marina City Club stands is owned by LA County and leased to the complex. Hirano has reached out to County Supervisor Holly Mitchell's office but said they didn't do anything.

The only official who seemed to be taking action, according to Hirano, is Natasha Robinson from the Department of Beaches and Harbor, who has written letters to the management.

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