605 Freeway

The 605 freeway will be enhanced for nearly $300 million 

Caltrans will hold a kick-off event to celebrate the new major 605 freeway renovations


From the fall of this year to the Spring of 2024, a portion of the 605 Freeway in Long Beach will be getting plenty of renovations to the tune of nearly $300 million.

From Katella Avenue in Long Beach to the final point of the 605 north of I-210 in the San Gabriel Valley, the freeway will be undergoing construction. Caltrans will kick off an event on October 4th to celebrate the upcoming upgrades and improvements the project holds.

“Caltrans is aggressively upgrading and rebuilding our infrastructure in California, including pavement rehabilitation on major interstate routes that transport goods and connect local communities,” said Caltrans director Tony Tavares.

The project will be divided into three segments: 

  • Segment 1: Katella Avenue in Los Alamitos/Long Beach to Telegraph Road in Santa Fe Springs, fall 2023            
  • Segment 2: I-10 to the I-605 terminus north of I-210, fall 2023
  • Segment 3: Telegraph Road in Santa Fe Springs to I-10, spring 2024

Some of the many renovations include 96 lane miles of refurbishing the pavement on the roads, new guardrails,27 overhead sign structures, and 53 acres of landscaping and stormwater improvements to help prevent trash and other pollutants from draining into the San Gabriel River.

The enhancements are set to finish between 2026 and 2030.


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To learn more about the renovations you can visit the Caltrans website.

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