West Hollywood

‘Sophisticated' burglars share high-fives and hugs after breaking into jewelry store safe

The criminals appear to have taken two shifts to completely clean out the West Hollywood store’s merchandise.

Huener Jewelry

Burglars share high-fives and hugs after breaking into West Hollywood jewelry store safe.

Burglars broke into a West Hollywood jewelry store over the weekend without setting off its alarm system, allowing them a whole day of looting to empty the store.

Huener Jewelry, a family-owned jewelry store on Santa Monica Boulevard, was closed for the day on Saturday when burglars broke in and stole all of the inventory both in the storefront and in safes in the back.

Owner Robert Goukasian took to Instagram to share information about the store’s looting with customers, attaching videos that show several burglars breaking into the safe placing items into backpacks.

Security footage shows the burglars congratulating each other, hugging and fist-bumping as they steal the items. 

“These thieves are highly sophisticated,” Goukasian wrote on Instagram.

According to the post, the burglars broke into the store twice on Saturday — in the morning and at night — breaking into one safe each time. The alarm system was never triggered.

Goukasian said when he walked into the store after the burglary, he saw some of the items from the store thrown around, with empty jewelry boxes lining the hallways of the store and dirt all over the floor.

 The same jewelry boxes are seen in the security footage, as the burglars emptied their contents into bags.

“We are currently working to update our inventory and reopen very soon,” the store’s Instagram page stated on Monday.

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