5 Sure-Fire Ways to Avoid Stress Eating During This Uncertain Time

Emotional eating is a learned behavior, and it can be unlearned with a little bit of preplanning

Travis W Keyes/NBC Know Your Value founder and “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski.

When you’re social distancing and reading all-things coronavirus on the internet, it’s easy to turn to food for comfort and escape during stressful times. With increased anxiety, mindless eating often creeps in. Unfortunately, many of these foods are high in calories, fat and sugar.

And while we’ve all seen the jokes and memes online about eating all day and finishing off the stockpile of survival snacks bought in bulk at Costco, emotional eating can negatively affect not your only your physical health, but your mental health as well.

The good news is stress eating is a learned behavior, and it can be unlearned with a little bit of preplanning. Try these “5Ds” to help stop emotional eating in its tracks.

Delay, Distract, Distance, Determine and Decide.

Read the full story on NBCNews.com

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