“Despicable”: Chihuahua Rescued After Being Abandoned in Riverside County Dumpster

A resident at a mobile home park in Riverside County noticed something disturbing inside a dumpster when throwing out their trash Saturday morning: an abandoned Chihuahua with big brown eyes staring up from inside.

The resident notified a manager at the mobile home park in the 6000 block of Mission Boulevard in Jurupa Valley. Riverside County Animal Services was called to the scene.

The 3-year-old Chihuahua mix was taken to a nearby shelter, and aside from a slightly high temperature, was deemed healthy by veterinary team members. Officials said the small dog appeared to have a “pleasant temperament.”

Animal service officials believe the black-and-brown furred pet was likely put in the dumpster overnight. The mobile home park manager said the trashed is picked up every day except on Saturdays and Sundays.

"It is a sick act to treat any animal in this manner," Riverside County Animal Services Director Robert Miller said in a statement. "A dog is a living creature. It is not trash. We can always work with pet owners to rehome their pet. To do something like this to a dog is despicable."

Anyone with information about the abandoned dog is asked to email the Riverside County Animal Services at shelterinfo@rcdas.org.

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