Natalie Portman has released three films since her Oscar-winning turn in "Black Swan," but motherhood has precluded her from going into production on anything new since she gave one of the more awkward acceptance speeches in Academy Awards history. Yes, she's got "Thor 2" to look forward to, but she's also apparently got a couple of other projects to consider.
Portman is being courted by Lana and Andy Wachowski for “Jupiter Ascending,” a sci-fi epic whose details are being kept very much under wraps reported the LA Times. The Wachowski's, who worked with Portman on the fantastic "V for Vendetta," are hoping to start shooting this fall, after they've finished "Cloud Atlas," with "Run Lola Run" director Tom Tykwer.
And with that project still several months off, she could use the time to either hang out with her son, Aleph, or begin work on a documentary adaptation of Jonathan Safran Foer's "Eating Animals," the book that inspired her to go vegan.
"She wants to make a very personal documentary. She contacted me, she told me that she loved the book. I know her now, I will help her eventually, but it will be her vision. She's only at the very beginning," Foer said in an interview from last summer that was recently unearthed by The Playlist.
Portman's filmography has as many misses as hits, but it's to her credit that she's always kept things interesting, seamlessly moving from drama to action to medieval stoner comedy to horror. If she wants to take a detour into space or preach about veganism, we're all for it.