Actress and writer Carrie Fisher, best known for her role as Princess Leia in “Star Wars,” died Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2016. She was 60.
Carrie Fisher's death on Tuesday quickly sparked a forlorn reaction on social media from friends and fans of the Hollywood legend.
"Star Wars" creator George Lucas also released a statement on Fisher's death Tuesday, calling her "our great and powerful princess":
"Carrie and I have been friends most of our adult lives. She was extremely smart; a talented actress, writer and comedienne with a very colorful personality that everyone loved. In Star Wars she was our great and powerful princess — feisty, wise and full of hope in a role that was more difficult than most people might think. My heart and prayers are with Billie, Debbie and all Carrie's family, friends and fans. She will be missed by all."
Her "Star Wars" co-star Harrison Ford released a statement Tuesday afternoon: "Carrie was one-of-a-kind…brilliant, original. Funny and emotionally fearless. She lived her life, bravely...My thoughts are with her daughter Billie, her Mother Debbie, her brother Todd, and her many friends. We will all miss her."
"Star Wars" co-star Mark Hamill could only respond with the hashtag #devastated while another co-star Billy Dee Williams said "the force is dark today" in tweeting out his condolences. They were joined by "Star Trek" actor William Shatner and a host of other celebrities sharing their condolences.
Tina Fey, who worked with Fisher when she guest starred on an episode of "30 Rock," praised the late actress' "razor-sharp wit."
"Carrie Fisher meant a lot to me. Like many women my age, Princess Leia occupies about sixty percent of my brain at any given time," Fey said in a statement. "But Carrie's honest writing and her razor-sharp wit were an even greater gift. I feel so lucky that I got to meet her. I'm very sad she is gone."
Many noted that Fisher's death came in a year that seemed to be filled with celebrities passing, from David Bowie in January to George Michael on Christmas, and with many more in between.
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