“The Apprentice”: Who Got Canned Last Night?

Mark McGrath has been fired. Gary Busey lives to ramble another day.

To anyone who finds themselves asking, "How does Busey survive week after week?" we counter-wonder, "How do you still not know how this works?"

Rather than kill the goose that lays television (and YouTube) gold, "The Celebrity Apprentice" gave the heave-ho to singer and TV host McGrath last night, after the former Sugar Ray frontman failed as team leader for a project involving marketing a sunscreen.

McGrath, of course, was asked to manage both Busey and the notoriously hot-headed Meatloaf, so he certainly had his hands full.

Host Donald Trump was pretty cut-and-dried about his reasons for ousting McGrath.

"You're project manager and you picked the theme," Trump told McGrath. "[The clients] didn't like the theme. Mark, you're fired."

Selected Reading: NYMag, Entertainment Weekly, USA Today

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