Are you fire-ready? Here's how to safely evacuate a wildfire in California

Cal Fire wants you to be prepared for a wildfire: create a plan, establish defensible space and have your emergency kit ready

NBC Universal, Inc.

A fire spark can quickly turn into a massive wildfire if the conditions are just right, often leaving residents little time to gather their belongings and their loved ones to escape the path of the blaze.

In some cases, residents will have 15 minutes or less to evacuate their homes. But your chances to escape a wildfire are better if you have a plan, Cal Fire says.

Creating a wildfire action plan, packing a “go bag” and maintaining basic situational awareness during evacuations can make a big difference when escaping a disaster, Jesse Torres, a Cal Fire battalion said.

Don't wait until a fire is near your home to come up with a Wildfire Action Plan, plan ahead. Here are the steps you should take to prepare for a wildfire:

Create a plan for a wildfire

The best way to prepare for a wildfire is to plan ahead. Tailor this plan to your household's needs and make sure all family members are familiar with its details.

Here's what your plan should include:

  • Designate an emergency meeting location outside of your area.
  • Find several different escape routes from your route and your community. Ready California suggests having three
  • Have an evacuation plan for pets and arrangements for family members with disabilities or medical conditions
  • Designate an out-of-area contact, a friend or relative, in case local phone lines are clogged
  • Create and post an emergency contact list near your phone and in each emergency supply kit
  • Have a fire extinguisher on hand, check expiration dates and train your family on how to use them (Pro tip: get a small one that can fit in your car)
  • Show your family how to safely shut off gas, electricity and water in an emergency

Create an emergency supply kit or "go bag

According to the American Red Cross, you should have an emergency supply kit for each member of your family. You may even want an additional kit for your car. And, each kit should include:

  • A gallon of water per person/per day for at least three days
  • A supply of non-perishable foods to last at least three days (Don't forget food for your pet!)
  • A first-aid kit
  • An N-95 mask
  • Chargers for electronics
  • Flashlight and a battery-powered radio, plus extra batteries
  • An extra set of car keys, credit cards or cash
  • Sanitation supplies
  • Extra contact lenses or glasses
  • Important family documents and contact numbers
  • A physical map marked with evacuation routes
  • Prescriptions or special medication
  • Copies of important documents and passports
  • If time allows, grab family photos, irreplaceable items and valuables
  • If time allows, grab personal computers

The Red Cross suggests keeping each kit in a backpack and to store food and water separately in a cooler with wheels.

Cal Fire recommends that every house hold and car have the following items in case of a fire emergency.

Sign up for regional alert systems

Many communities, including several in California, have warning alert systems that allow residents to sign up for push notifications to their phones or email.

In San Diego County, download the AlertSanDiego emergency app and sign up for the reverse notifications.

FEMA has an app that provides real-time alerts, and public safety agencies can also push alerts to television, radio and wireless devices through the Integrated Public Alert & Warning System. The NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards is a nationwide network of radio stations that broadcast continuous weather information and hazard information.

A battery- or crank-operated portable radio can also be a critical tool for receiving emergency alerts, especially in areas where cellular service is unreliable or threatened.

Cal Fire San Diego gave NBC 7 an inside look at their emergency command center, which handles all aspects of responding to a wildfire, from the first 911 call to the last flame out.

Harden your home from a wildfire

Cal Fire says you can dramatically increase the chances your home will survive a wildfire by creating a "defensible space," a buffer created by removing weeds, brush and dry vegetation around your home.

This is not something to do when a wildfire is at your door, but rather something that can be done with a little forethought to have a big impact for your home.

You can also "harden" your home by using fire-protective materials.

Cal Fire breaks down everything you need to know, and even gives you a tour of a home with good defensible space, in this brochure. And, you can take this quick survey to determine if your home is wildfire ready.

Creating a defensible space is required for homes in high-fire hazard severity zones in the state of California, and highly suggested for others. Once your home is prepared, you can schedule an inspection here.

NBC 7's Dana Williams talks with Capt. Thomas Shoots from Cal Fire San Diego about different scenarios when it comes to fire safety, like what to do if you're in your car and a brush fire starts nearby, and what the best thing to do is in each one.

What to do when you need to evacuate from a wildfire

If you've been told you need to evacuate, don't wait.

You've hopefully planned and prepared to allow you to leave quickly but even if you don't have a “go bag” or a wildfire action plan set up, don't dally if you feel like danger is near, Torres said.

Fires can move faster than humans, especially when driven by high winds. And downed power lines, thick smoke, abandoned cars, blowing debris and heavy traffic can impede escape routes.

Even if you haven't been told to evacuate, if you're ready, it may be safer to do so. You don't want to be caught in fire, smoke or road congestion, Cal Fire says. "By leaving early, you give your family the best chance of surviving a wildfire."

What was once referenced as fire “season” in the San Diego region has become a year-round timeline. Here's how residents are preparing. NBC 7's Jackie Crea has the story.

Here's what to do when the fire is near:

  • Evacuate as soon as you're ready. Don't delay, especially if you have children, older adults, people with access and functional needs or pets and livestock
  • Alert family and neighbors
  • Dress in cotton and work boots, have googles, a bandana or a mask handy
  • Grab your emergency supply hit
  • Inside your home:
    • Shut your windows and doors but keep them unlocked
    • Remove lightweight curtains
    • Move furniture away from the windows and doors
    • Shut off the gas meter and turn off pilot lights
    • Shut off the air conditioning
    • Leave your lights on
    • If time allows, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends connecting water hoses and filling garbage cans, tubs and pools with water to help firefighters if they end up on your property.
  • Outside your home:
    • Gather flammable items and bring them inside: toys, door mats, patio furniture
    • Turn off propane tanks
    • Don't leave any water running -- this can affect firefighters water supply
    • leave outdoor lights on
    • Have a ladder available
    • Extinguish any small fires on your property until it's time to leave
    • If time allows, seal the attic and ground vents

Once you've evacuated, mark yourself and your family on, a Red Cross website and free tool that helps reunite loved ones during disasters, so your loved ones know you are safe.

What to do if you're trapped in a wildfire

Fires move quickly and it's possible you don't make it out in time. If that's the case, Cal Fire provides these survival tips:

  • Call 911
  • Shelter away from outside walls
  • Bring garden hoses inside so embers don't destroy them
  • Patrol inside your home for spot fires and extinguish them
  • Wear long sleeves and long pants from natural fibers
  • Stay hydrated
  • Ensure you can exit your home, but remember if it's hot inside, it's four to five times hotter outside)
  • Fill sinks and tubs for an emergency water supply.
  • place wet towels under doors

If the fire has passed, you should:

  • Check your roof and extinguish any fires, sparks or embers
  • Check your attic for hidden embers
  • Patrol your property and put out any small fires
  • If there are larger fires you can't extinguish, call 911

All of this information is available in Cal Fire's Ready, Set, Go! evacuation plan. Get the brochure here and find more valuable resources on Cal Fire's website,

What to do after a wildfire

If you were injured in a wildfire or your home has been damaged:

  • Start the recovery process at
  • Check local, state and federal programs for available aid
  • If you start to clean up yourself, take photos and document everything. Wear property safety equipment and avoid activities that can blow harmful particles back into the air
  • If you have to hire someone to help repair your home, ensure they have a license from the Contractors State License Board. Look it up at
NBC 7's Sergio Flores has tips on fire-insurance preparedness.
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