This Stinks: Florida Boy Arrested for Farting

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PERSCHETRAVINSKAYA, UKRAINE ? APRIL 5: High school pupils take part in a gas mask exercise during a radioactive pollution drill at the Perschetravinskaya School on April 5, 2006 in Perschetravinskaya, Ukraine. Perschetravinskaya village is located within zone 2, and should have been evacuated during Chernobyl nuclear disaster. On April 26, 1986 a reactor exploded at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine producing radioactive clouds over much of Europe and the fallout was particularly severe in Northern Ukraine and the western parts of Russia and Belarus. Scientists estimate that the most dangerous radioactive elements will take up to 900 years to decay sufficiently to render the area safe. (Photo by Dmitry Chebotayev/Pressphotos/Getty Images)

A 12-year-old Florida student was arrested earlier this month after he "deliberately passed gas to disrupt the class," according to police.

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