Dueling Rallies Held in Final Prop Eight Showdown

'Yes' and "No' heard on Sunday

Supporters of the ballot measure to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California are regarded as a well-funded statewide mobilization of religious groups, while opponents of the ballot measure wanting to uphold same-sex marriages are seen relying on regional solidarity.

City Hall’s South Lawn and surrounding curb sides were filled with ministries, mostly made of first-and-second generation Asian Americans, making Yes on 8 rally more religious service than political stumping. Supporters of the proposition wore red t-shirts saying, “one man one woman equals one marriage”  and mothers prompted their children to join the chant ‘“eight is great” as a band entertained in between speeches from the City Hall steps facing First Street. An LAPD officer on the scene estimated the crowd at 2,000.

At Pershing Square, a grassroots response to the Yes on 8 rally was to take over the corners of Hill and 6th street before a quick set of speeches held inside the park. The gathering was smaller in numbers, but just as spirited as protesters at one point used their signs to do the wave from corner to corner while chanting “No on 8.”   Activist Chasity Bono and Jan Perry, the councilwoman who represents Council District 9 where Pershing Square is located, were among those speaking to the crowd of 300.

While the Yes on 8 rally was going strong, the No on 8 rally began to disband. Around 10 opposing the proposition found themselves on the corner of First and Spring. They counter-protested as the Yes on 8 band played on.

Those speaking for and against Proposition 8, a campaign with a combined total in spending  that may reach $70 million, shared a common message to their respective supporters. That the race is still tight as Election Day closes in, and love is on their side.

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