
Heroic Actions of Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Save Woman's Life

"It changed my life in the sense that it gives you hope."

After finding an unconscious woman and saving her life, Deputy Karla Gerard from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Dept. gets to meet the woman she saved. Kathy Vara reports for the NBC4 News at 4 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2017.

A woman is thanking a Riverside County Sheriff's deputy for using CPR to save her life after she was found not breathing inside her home.

This is the first time Evelyn Tadla truly remembers meeting deputy, Karla Girard, because of what happened on August 8.

"I don't remember much of any of it," Tadla said. "My husband came into the room and found me and called 911."

Deputy Girard, who works patrol for Menifee police, heard the call for help over the radio.

"A husband had found his wife in a bedroom and she wasn't breathing, she didn't have a heartbeat and he thought she had passed," Girard said.

Deputy Girard was the first responder to arrive. Tadla's husband and a friend had already begun CPR.

"I knocked on the door, rang the doorbell and nobody came, nobody responded," Girard said. "Of course I knew there was probably chaos inside."

She rushed inside the home and quickly rushed to the Tadlas' aid.

"I assisted in moving Evelyn to a more open area so that we could continue to give life saving measures and then she came back," said John Tadla, Evelyn's husband.

Talda said she feels blessed to have had the right people around her and that she is still alive.

"It changed my life in the sense that it gives you hope," she said.

Deputy Girard gave credit to the fire department who also responded and helped with a defibrillator.

"Somewhere I have other plans to this life," said Talda.

Talda said a trip to Europe is on her list of things to do. She said she still has quite a bit of memory loss but it is slowly coming back.

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