Teen's Family Calls For Justice in Teacher Sex Case

For the first time since a Murrieta teacher was arrested for sexual abusing a student, the teen and his family are speaking out, concerned about what they call a disturbing trend in the sentencing of female teachers convicted of having sex with boys.

Last month, former Murrieta Valley High School teacher Shannon Fosgett pleaded not guilty to eight criminal counts against her. Five of them are felonies involving an alleged sexual relationship with a 16-year-old male student.

"I wish this hadn't happened to me," said the boy, who NBC4 will call "Nick," not his real name, to protect his identity.

Nick is the main accuser.

Although he won't talk specifically about the evidence, he said he will talk about the anguish and anxiety he endured during his alleged yearlong sexual relationship with Fosgett.

Nick said he felt trapped and afraid.

"She'd tell me she'd kill me if I told anybody or if I contacted anybody, so I always felt pressured when I was in her presence or at the school," he said.

When Nick came forward to Murrieta police last fall, he said he was disturbed by the reaction from some male students about his alleged relationship.

"Kids would come up to me and give me high-fives,” he recalled. “I didn't even know kids and they'd try to form a camaraderie around it. Like I did something that was cool."

His mother said he told her how he felt at the time.

"My son, he held me and cried and he said ‘Mom they see me as a man, but I'm just a boy inside," said Nick's mother, Tasha.

Nick’s family members are worried that he may not get the justice they believe he deserves, in part because the defendant is a woman.

They point out sentences in two recent high-profile cases involving teachers.

In 2013, former Redlands teacher Laura Whitehurst was convicted of having sexual relationships with three male high school students, including having a child with one.

Whitehurst faced 41 felony counts and 29 years in prison.

But in a plea agreement, she was given a 12-month sentence and five years probation. She was released after serving six months.

San Bernardino County prosecutors said the plea agreement was a tough situation because of the baby.

There’s also former Centennial High School teacher Summer Hansen, who pleaded guilty to having sexual relationships with five underage male students.

She faced 13 years in prison, but was sentenced to three. Riverside county prosecutors did not agree with the judge’s sentencing.

Nick’s family called it outrageous.

"They've broken the oath of caring for a child, of giving them a safe environment," said his sister, Christiana.

His mother agreed.

"What would a man have had? Why did she get three years?” Tasha asked. "I don't understand, it's the same effect psychologically on a boy."

Former Riverside County prosecutor Ryan Markson said he has often seen female teachers getting more lenient sentences in cases involving underage male victims.

"I think it's sort of the idea of chivalry that is that women are in greater need of protection. They're not thought of as predators," he said.

Fosgett is also accused of misdemeanor child annoyance involving another alleged male victim. If convicted, she could get five years in prison. Nick’s family said it won’t be justice unless she gets the maximum prison time.

"I'm scared she's going to get a slap on the wrist and come after me," Nick said.

NBC4 tried to reach out to Fosgett and her attorney, but have not heard back. She has denied the charges and has pleaded not guilty.

She will return to court March 7.

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